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Hey, you won’t believe what happened today! I thought only 3c products could attract long line-ups on Boxing Day. How come these ladies were so crazy? The store was stuff up with customers today. Do they really need that much panties and bras? One customer even fainted and nobody knew how it happened! Just because everyone was too busy shopping! We just realized somebody passed out when we saw a woman lying on the floor! And there’s another girl took off her clothes and tried on the bras in public!! Everyone could give her suggestions! Wowowowwowowowowowowowowow~ I widened my horizon!!

Jebà Did you try on a panty in public in return? LOL

Jakeà So funny, people fighting over underwear and one girl dead on the floor! Hahahaha

上班日記14: 什麼?缺氧昏倒啦!  

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(Two young guys around 20s came in the store)

Leslie: Hi there! Shopping for Christmas?

Customer A: Oh, hi! We are looking for underwear as present to our girlfriends. What’s the best seller?

Leslie: You can get our sexy panties. They are 3 for 27 right now. Take a look at the round table in the        front and the drawers around the corner. You can mix and match. They are with the   same promotion.

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Hurray! I finally had my own pajama! I have always wanted one, but you know, I’m practical. I have t-shirts to wear for sleeping so it’s not a must-have. Since we are gonna do pajama day at work for the next three weekends, I got one set with my employee discount. Last night, I couldn’t even fall asleep just for thinking how fun it could be to wear a pajama walking in and out the store! But out of my expectation, everything turned to be awkward today. I exchanged my clothes into pajamas as soon as I got in the store. And after walking out the fitting room, I just noticed everyone in store forgot about this new promotion! My manager forgot to remind everyone of the announcement a month ago. Seems like only me marked it as an important event on my calendar >”<. And yeah, I’m the only one working on floor with my polka dots pj. All the customers were starring at me, they might think I’m a jerk. LOL

ALà There’s a saying “No picture, no truth”, Leslie.

Leslie: Sorry to disappoint you, it’s not a baby doll though. XD

上班日記12: Pajama Day!超窘睡衣日!

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Job-hunting 教戰手冊


Q1: Introduce yourself and tell me a bit about your future plan.


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(At the cashier)

Leslie: Hi, you find everything ok today?

Customer: Pretty good. Found something nice.

Leslie: May I have your email address, please?

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Leslie: Hey, cuz. I’m in a dilemma. I’m thinking of having a 5-day trip to Las Vegas for my birthday.

Jake: Las Vegas! Cool! I haven’t seen the Grand Canyon!

Leslie: But the problem is I don’t dare to tell my manager. I’m new and I told her I need as many shifts as possible. But now, I’m asking for almost a week off. Plus, I’m gonna substitute in the Mandarin school for three Saturdays in a row. Will she be mad since she has been so nice to me and always trying to give me more hours?

Jake: Hmmm, sounds impossible. But I think it would be wrong to let the awkwardness of telling your boss you can't work five days in a row stop you from having a birthday trip or trying out the teaching job regardless of how nice your manager has been to you.

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Resume/ CV (curriculum vitae)


    美式履歷和中式履歷非常不同,沒有制式的表格,身為working holiday的求職者的我們,也不需過度冗長,盡量是一頁搞定的簡歷即可。不需要註明生日、性別、身高體重,也不需要附上照片(國外非常小心性別與年齡歧視)。


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After seeing many guy customers come and buy gifts for their girlfriends in our store, I learn something. Even they are really embarrassed and not knowing which way to look as long as they step in, they try hard to please their partners. A guy came with a thong in his pocket on Tuesday just because he doesn't know his girlfriend's size so he stole one of her undies. Isn’t it cute? I just realized “Oh, good girls deserve all good treatments”. Then I found out why I’ve never received this kind of treatment. I’m too practical! I think too much! And I don’t like owing to others. I’m like an old mommy always trying to help guys save money. I should learn how to accept and believe I sometimes deserve something good and romantic, should love myself more. :)

Jakeà Yeah, boyfriend life is hard! Guys have to do a lot to please their girlfriends. Girls just sit and wait to be impressed.

Leslieà Come on, don’t go too extreme.

Joanaà You never know how you'll be treated, so instead of expecting somebody to treat u well, treat yourself well is much more realistic.

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Hey, I feel down today. I was teased by my colleagues. Remember the girl who always thinks people who are not dressed up are sallies? She introduced me to the new girls by saying “Oh, that’s Leslie. All she knows is working hard.” Then they started to chat in the fitting room and asking me to do all the chores. I was so busy running in and out while they were laughing and chit-chatting. And I couldn’t say no cuz the new girls knew nothing so that they couldn’t run errands. Am I too Asian?

ALà I suggest you ask for help when your hands are tied. Should you talk to your supervisor if she refuses to help every time? If you can't figure out how to ask for help in this circumstance, then I think that's a bit Asian (if you like to call it this way). Cheer up!

Joanaà Dressing up makes u pretty, but working hard makes you truly beautiful. Your mean colleague maybe externally pretty, but not essentially.


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