目前分類:打工日記 (23)

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CSL: Good afternoon, girls. This is Sasha. I’m your CSL for the next two hours. The total target for the day is $ 2360. That means we have to make $ 260 in this segment, and make extra $80 to make up for the morning. Let’s change a bit at your position now. Leslie is good at greeting the customers so you will be the brand ambassador. Please make sure customers know about our great deal. And also keep an eye for sallies(小偷的代稱).

Leslie: Got it! I’m moving to the front.

CSL: Mahsa and Jasmine will be the cashier for this period. Ask for emails before the transaction and get them involved to our prestige card. Just spend $10 and they can get 10% off even on top of any promotion for a whole year. Siena, please go to cotton area and replenish the panty table. Put five items for each size in the color flow.

Siena: How about the drawers?

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It was my first day training. I was surprised that I spent four hours doing paper work! Am I supposed to recognize all the items on my first day? But no! Jessica asked me to read all the policy and work place safe/health and harassment rules. That’s four hours with pay to learn how to protect yourself and clearly understand your rights! This is just too new to me! I have the right to say no if my coworker asks me to climb up the tray and get her a size. As long as I think it’s dangerous, I can refuse anything my supervisor asks me to do! That never happens in Taiwan. Do or go, that’s it. I am not used to the rule but I’m kinda like it and start to notice I have human rights!

Joanaà Wow, reading, reading, and reading for 4 hrs with pay. Lucky you! Can you say "no" "no" and "no" for 4 hrs with pay the next day to prove that you've understood all the company policy??? Hahahaha........



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Sales: Hi, how are you today?

Leslie: Oh, hi! May I talk to your manager? I’m just wondering if you are hiring right now.

Sales: My manager is not available at the moment. I’m the assistant manager. How could I help you?

Leslie: I’m looking for a part-time job and just wondering if you are hiring now.

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