
Conversation Bubble

CSL: Good afternoon, girls. This is Sasha. I’m your CSL for the next two hours. The total target for the day is $ 2360. That means we have to make $ 260 in this segment, and make extra $80 to make up for the morning. Let’s change a bit at your position now. Leslie is good at greeting the customers so you will be the brand ambassador. Please make sure customers know about our great deal. And also keep an eye for sallies(小偷的代稱).

Leslie: Got it! I’m moving to the front.

CSL: Mahsa and Jasmine will be the cashier for this period. Ask for emails before the transaction and get them involved to our prestige card. Just spend $10 and they can get 10% off even on top of any promotion for a whole year. Siena, please go to cotton area and replenish the panty table. Put five items for each size in the color flow.

Siena: How about the drawers?

CSL: Focus on the table first.

Laal: Who is going to take over here?

CSL: Laal, you did a good job in the fitting room and I want to keep you there. Don’t worry, I will help with the put-backs. I will be floating at the floor. Let me know if you need any check. Please don’t leave your zone.

Kitty: And I am at the back doing stock. I can also check for you.

CSL: Thank you, Kitty. Okay, girls, let’s make this segment!


上班日記2: 像股市的戰場 


      我的工作是站在門口問候客人跟他們說明今天的特價,然後也要注意有沒有可疑的小偷,他們說周末的時候會有人來偷內衣褲。我到現在才知道,來,內衣店是這麼忙碌!很像在股市上班!每個人都戴著耳麥,有耳機跟對講機,當班的CSL(Customer Service Leader)會在耳機裡一直說我們這個小時的目標營業額,每天總公司都會給分店一個目標。例如昨天我們必須達到2600加幣的營業額,所以每個小時大概要達到300主管會一直在耳邊說:「現在只剩一小時二十分鐘了,我們還差160!平均一個人要完成40元的交易。」
要不然就會說:「電腦的數字變紅色了,大家趕快加把勁!」電腦數字跟股票的螢幕一樣會變紅變綠!變綠色的時候主管會很高興的說:「Great job, girls!!」還會歡呼一下,好像我們完成了一大筆交易。出現赤字的時候就會開始重新布局,重新分配每個人的位置,整個超緊張的!



        我覺得我小看內衣店了,我以為這裡比服飾店輕鬆。雖然我剛報到大家不會對我有要求,但我不喜歡自己很沒用的感覺。這個工作的節奏比我想像的還要快跟嚴謹,每兩個小時指揮官會換人,更衣間的協助者也會換人,原來是這麼緊張啊!不過當主管說great job的時候,會有一種團隊好像完成了大任務的感覺,很妙!就這樣,在一邊聽耳機更新最新戰況,一邊招呼顧客中,我站了五個小時。真是個好刺激的工作!隨時都要準備接招,也要耳力很好,隨時注意新的調動,感覺自己很像特務,在內衣店當臥底。耳聽四面、眼觀八方!   






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